New Book Release: Kid Sensation Series Boxed Set (Books 1 – 3)

I’m feeling a little giddy because I’ve finally reached the point where I can put out a boxed set. It’s for the three full-length novels in my Kid Sensation Series:

It feels a little surreal to me. A year ago I hadn’t even started writing the first book in the series, Sensation, and now I’ve got three of them. (Not to mention a stand-alone short story, Extraction, that’s a companion to the series.)
Of course, Amazon is treating it as a “new” ebook and listing me as having an additional work on my Author Page. Needless to say, I’ll accept the designation, even though its “newness” is actually artificial.
Like most authors with series, I already knew that at some point I’d do a boxed set. The only question was when: do I do it at three books? Four? Five? Whenever the series is complete (which may be never if readers continue to show enthusiasm for it)? It’s the type question for which there is no easy answer. Still, three books seem like a good point at which to bundle the existing novels in the series.
The end result is something that I’m rather pleased with. Now its time to get out there and write the next three.
***FYI: On the subject of price, the boxed set is available for $7.99 (which is a substantial discount to the $12.97 that the three books would go for individually).

5 Replies to “New Book Release: Kid Sensation Series Boxed Set (Books 1 – 3)”

  1. I'm currently working on the third "Warden" book and have Kid Sensation #4 essentially outlined (and a few parts actually written). I also mentioned future writing plans in an earlier post called "The Shape of Things to Come," but in essence, my future plans include continuing both series.

    In addition, I plan to start some companion novels to the Kid Sensation series – basically telling the story of some of the other characters from those books. (I'm particularly eager to tell Mouse's story, so that will probably be the first in that group of books.)

    Aside from that, there's a sci-fi series that's been gnawing a hole in my brain of late, so I'll probably need to get the first book in that series out in order to keep my sanity. There's also a dystopian series and a paranormal series that I've been outlining, so those are in the works as well.

    As to a timetable, I don't know if I can give you a straight answer. My editor will probably disagree, but I actually write at a pretty fast clip and could probably crank out a book or more a month if writing were all I had to do. Unfortunately, the day job (among other things) interferes, so I typically end up busting my deadlines.

    I will probably jinx it by talking about it, but I'm hopeful that I can finish the next Warden book in the next couple of weeks. With any luck, the next book will be done by end of April, the one after that by early June, and so on. (Basically, I'm shooting to finish a new book at least every six weeks.) Unfortunately, there will probably be slippage in that timetable. Moreover, sad to say, I really don't know the order in which I'll write them (it typically depends on which one is making the most noise inside my head), but Kid Sensation #4 is likely to follow the Warden book and, ideally, I'd like to have at least one book in each of the new series I mentioned published by the end of the year, but it may depend on how enthusiastic the response is to them.

    I'm sorry that I can't set a lot of this in stone, but hopefully this provides some insight.

  2. Hi! Just wanted to let you know, if you don't already know, that Infiltration isn't spelled correctly on your 3D book cover. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, and I hope you don't mind the comment, but if it was me, I'd want to know.

  3. Thank you! You know, I was so excited about getting the boxed set out that I didn't even notice that. Of course, after it's fixed, the "wrong" cover will become a collector's item if I ever become famous. :>)

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