New Audiobook Release: Warden (Book 3: Attack of the Aswang)

I have the pleasure of announcing that the audiobook of Warden (Book 3: Attack of the Aswang) is now available.

With this release, I am “caught up” to a certain extent – basically, all of my scifi/fantasy work except Incarnation (the most recent release) is now available in audio.

Upon reflection, the order in which I released audio versions was orderly at first: initially, I tried to get all the Kid Sensation books done, but after those were completed the process became a little more haphazard, I guess. That said, my overall goal was to release audio versions of everything, and I’m glad to generally be at that point.

Surprisingly, this one only took about a week to become available after everything was finalized.  (Lately, it’s been taking about 2 full weeks, so I’m happy that the process seems to have sped up.)  As always, I think my narrator did an outstanding job and I hope listeners will enjoy this. If you don’t have an Audible account, you can get a 30-day free trial and a free copy of Warden #3 by signing up here.

Thanks again, everyone, for your generous support.  It is greatly appreciated.