Cover Reveal: Incarnation (Kid Sensation #7)

Since I’m anticipating releasing Incarnation in a month or so (assuming no hiccups), it seemed like a good time to do a cover reveal. That said, it honestly feels like I just did the cover reveal for Replication, so – from my prospective – this seems as though it’s coming right on the heels of that earlier effort. Nevertheless, here’s the cover:



As usual, I think my cover artist did a good job in bringing one of the characters from the novel to life. As with Replication, however, I’m eager to get this one published.  Hopefully readers will enjoy it.


4 Replies to “Cover Reveal: Incarnation (Kid Sensation #7)”

    1. I got the manuscript back from my editor last week. I’ve finished going through her edits, but I need to do another read-through and tweak some things. I’m shooting to finish that and get everything to my formatting guy today. Assuming no issues (and if he works at his usual pace), I anticipate hitting “Publish” before the end of the week.

    1. If you’re asking publication details, I anticipate wrapping it up in August. If you’re asking plot details, I usually stay fairly tight-lipped about that, but I’ll crack the door open a little: Mouse goes rogue.

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